Minnesota Real Estate Attorney

Whether you’re buying or selling your primary residence or are looking at properties to invest in, making sure you’re getting a good deal is always a priority. Working with a real estate agent is key in helping you find the right property and close on the sale in a way that works for your needs. But they’re not the only professional you’ll want to work with. You’ll also want to partner with a Minnesota real estate attorney from the beginning. Here’s how your attorney can protect your interests and help you simplify your real estate transactions.

They Can Help Negotiate Sales

Though most real estate agents handle negotiations between buyers and sellers, some situations may call for greater expertise. Your real estate attorney can help with negotiations by reviewing all contracts and documentation regarding the sale ahead of time. If they uncover areas of concern or can prove that a buyer is making an unreasonable ask of a seller, they may be able to help you get a better price. Keep in mind that negotiations are never guaranteed to work, but having an attorney on your side can increase your chances of being successful.

They’ll Create and Review Real Estate Contracts

Real estate contracts are essential when outlining the responsibilities and expectations of both buyers and sellers. Without a contract, the sale may not go through. And if you include terms that aren’t legally valid or work in your best interest, you may find closing on the sale more difficult. 

Real estate attorneys can create contracts that are legally binding and work in your best interest. And if the other party creates a contract for the sale, your attorney can review it in detail to make sure the terms are fair and legally valid. This can help you avoid headaches down the line.

They Can Explain Complex Terms and Legal Concepts

If you’re new to buying or selling property, you’re sure to encounter terms and concepts that you’re not familiar with. Your real estate agent may be able to explain some of them, but your attorney will be able to do so in greater detail. They can also legally give you advice on how to proceed if the terms aren’t in your best interest. 

They Understand the Nuances of Disclosures and Inspections

Getting homes and properties inspected is essential before you buy. These inspections can uncover hidden issues and problems with the property, identify repairs that need to be made, and help you make a more informed purchase decision. However, the results of the inspections can be difficult to interpret.

Your real estate attorney can explain those results in detail so you can better understand what you’re getting into. And if the seller discloses issues (or fails to disclose known problems prior to your purchase), your attorney can explain the concerns and help you pursue legal action if needed.

They Can Help With the Closing Process

The closing process is your final chance to negotiate and resolve potential problems before ownership of the property changes hands. Your attorney can represent your interests with the other party and may be able to negotiate a resolution prior to closing on the sale. They can also make sure both parties are upholding their end of the deal which can make closing go more smoothly, ultimately reducing your stress and helping you take possession of the property faster.

Work With an Experienced Minnesota Real Estate Attorney

Working with a Minnesota real estate attorney can make buying or selling property easier and faster. And since they work for you and you alone, you’ll know that they’ll always act with your best interests in mind. If you’re looking for a trustworthy real estate attorney, look no further than Waypoint Law. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.